See real words from CEO and Leader clients as they go through the programs
"Clothes are much looser"
"Great news from the doctor today on my Blood Pressure and Cholesterol"
"I felt strong and powerful at the end of the day . . . I'm feeling really good"
"I lost 13lbs in 2 weeks!"
"5 really great meetings with no loss of energy or clarity even late in the day"
"Energy and body of my 18 year old self!"
"Feeling good in my swimsuit"
"Did a bunch of projects on the house today when I usually don't have energy to do anything"
"Having incredible meetings and producing high deliverables even at late afternoon meetings which is usually my nemesis"
"Had annual check up . . . doc was VERY impressed with the work I had done in the past year. Down 33lbs Fitness levels went from good to excellent with extra 3 minutes on treadmill. All bloodworm is excellent. Dexa body fat went from 33 to 22"
"I felt SUPER focused today and able to get more done in 5 hours than I normally would have done in 24"

"One of the best days I have had in a long time"
"I was very calm and relaxed today while stuck in a severe traffic. Normally I would have been stressed, anxious and angry. It surprised me!"
"I fit into my tux and I feel great"
Phenomenal meetings today where I was super clear and energized"
"Top board meeting"
"Landed a huge deal today thanks to my clarity and energy"
"Hung out with my boys . . . they talked about Zen nature of me, how different I was, and how they appreciated just being around me for what it did for them. Pretty crazy"
"Felt good to be comfortable in a bathing suit and to have energy to that at the end of the day"
"Felt strong all day"
"No snoring last night again!! Yes!"
"Its official as of today: I won the weight loss challenge! Out of approximately 280 men in the challenge, I lost the highest % of body weight during the 6 weeks of the challenge. YES!"